City School District of Albany
SchoolToolTM Parent Portal Request Form
Use the form below to request a schooltooltm Parent Portal Account. Please note that every adult in a parental relationship (as legally identified) is entitled to a portal account. Accounts are unique, and tied to individual email addresses. Only one account can be created for a single email address.
After submission, a copy of your submission details will been sent to your email address. If you do not see it, please check your SPAM filter and look for a message from webmaster <donotreply@albany.k12.ny.us>.
If you do not receive it at all, please contact pwolfe@albany.k12.ny.us
*You may hold your cursor over the fields to see additional guidance.
Please identify the students, for whom you are the legal parent or guardian. This is a one-time process, and used as a validation check for the request. Once your account has been created, you will not need to continually request updates or access to other children for whom you are a legal parent or guardian. Your portal account will always, automatically, provide you access to all of your children.
Student ID is a critical field. You can find your child's student ID on documents such as student schedules, Interim Reports and Report Cards. Additionally, your child’s student ID is used as the login for the student portal. It is likely that your child also knows their student ID.
If you are only requesting access for one child, leave the additional sections blank. If you need to add more than 5 students, please submit the first 5 in one form. You will need to start a new request for the remaining children.
Use of the System
- Users will act in a responsible, ethical and legal manner.
- Users will not attempt to harm or destroy the school or the district’s data or networks.
- Users will not attempt to access information or any account assigned to another user.
- Users will not share their password with anyone, including their own child.
- Users identified as a security risk will be denied access to the portal.
Limitation of School District Liability
- The City School District of Albany will use reasonable measures to protect student information from unauthorized viewing.
- The District reserves the right to limit or terminate the portal for viewing student information without notice.
- All users of the City School District of Albany schooltool Parent Portal consent to electronic monitoring and understand that this is a private network used as an educational tool by the City School District of Albany.
- Access to student information from the Internet is a privilege, not a right.
Checking the box below serves as confirmation that you will comply with terms of the Acceptable Use Agreement for the parent portal.